Over the Phone
You may reach us over the phone at 1-800-FILETRON (1-800-345-3876) - Monday through Friday (9am - 5pm PST).
Please direct email inquiries to either of the following:
- [email protected] -
Email related to this website, it's operation, it's content, etc... and/or miscellaneious inquiries should be
directed here.
- [email protected] -
Sales related inquiries should be directed here (i.e. advertising, pricing, etc...)
- [email protected] -
Email sent here will be directed to a member of our technical support staff. Please note: we will allow
email to be sent directed to our support staff, however, we cannot give support over email at this
time, you must call 1-800-FILETRON. Thank you.
- [email protected] - Email about our free web site hosting program can be sent here.
- [email protected] - Email your resume and salary requirements to apply for our Technical Support Representative position. We are looking for people with
Linux experience and excellent communications skills.