Q. After boot system asks me a password. What is that password?
A. Console - login: root password: root Web
- login admin password admin
Q. I've just read it eighty times and still have same problem. What is next?
A. Reboot your router and issue command report . Then post it to the web
forum with detailed explanation of problem.
Q. Can I use both modems as one link to ISP to increase banwidth?
A. No you can't. This must be supported on ISP side for such feature, but very
few providers have it. You can count such providers on one hand fingers so
better forget about it.
Q. Is there a way to add support for Net2Phone (or something else) with this
distribution of Freesco?
A. Consult with IP masquerad manual at http://ipmasq.cjb.net/
Q. I have Freesco loaded on a
500meg HD and I am wondering how can I upload to the http server that is
included with Freesco.
A. You must use FloppyNET :) Bring your files on a floppy disk and copy them
manually or use optional program snarf
Q. When I log into my win 98 machine my router automatically logs onto my ISP
even though I have not tried to access any internet resources.
A. Use NetBEUI or IPX/SPX as default protocol in your local network and use
TCP/IP protocol only for internet or configure (manually) DNS server for all
computers on local networks.
Q. Why are these banners on all pages.
A. They are a kind of donation from you. Each time you click on a banner you
donate 10c for this project.
More FAQs are available in the manual.